When we think of Christmas, certain characters and images come to mind: angels heralding good news, humble shepherds, wise men bearing gifts, a radiant star, and a manger in Bethlehem. No matter how often we revisit the story or see nativity scenes, the message never grows old. Like beloved Christmas movies with familiar plots, they resonate year after year, reminding us of something timeless and transformative.

Each figure in the nativity story reveals a deeper truth about Christmas. The angels proclaim the good news of God’s love and redemption. The shepherds represent God’s invitation to all, no matter how far they may feel from Him, to come humbly and receive His gift. The Magi, or wise men, model devotion through the treasures they offer the newborn King—gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

This season, let’s embody the example given to us from the Magi and offer our gifts to Christ, placing our faith in action. God is able to take what we offer Him and use it for His Kingdom. In return, He uses each of us as His gift to those around us.

Gifts Fit for a King

Matthew 2:1-11 recounts the journey of the Magi, their worship of the Christ child, and the treasures they presented. Their gifts carried profound symbolism, yet I doubt they fully understood how deep their meaning held. Gold, a precious metal, represented Jesus’ kingship. Frankincense, used in worship, symbolized His divinity. Myrrh, associated with burial, foreshadowed His sacrifice. Yet beyond their material value, the true treasure they offered was their hearts, expressed through humble devotion and worship.

The Magi’s journey reminds us that our gifts to Jesus—whether time, love, or service—are far more valuable than we often realize. God can do extraordinary things with even the simplest offerings when given from a heart of devotion.

Living a Life of Devotion

True devotion requires action. The Magi didn’t merely acknowledge Jesus as King; they bowed in worship and unveiled their treasures before Him. Likewise, our devotion to God should move beyond private belief into visible, active faith. As Deuteronomy 6:5-9 (the Shema) commands, loving God involves living out His truths in every aspect of life—sharing them with our families, embodying them in our daily interactions, prioritizing what matters most, and not being ashamed to live out our faith.

Offering our time is likely the most priceless way to demonstrate our devotion. Time is finite, irreplaceable, and a reflection of our priorities. Investing our time in God’s work and the people He places in our path helps us transform our religious life into a thriving relationship with Him. As Corrie ten Boom said, “The measure of a life, after all, is not its duration, but its donation.”

A Call to Action

This Christmas, let us follow the Magi’s example: unveiling our devotion with action and offering our best to Jesus. Whether through acts of kindness, time spent in prayer, or sharing the gospel, our gifts reflect our love for the King. If you’re looking for ways to get involved, we invite you to explore our Serve Team and Prayer Community pages to see how you can contribute to God’s work this season.

One day, like the Magi, we will behold Jesus—not as a baby in a manger but as the reigning King of Kings. Until then, may our lives declare His glory and bring treasures of worship to His feet.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Matthew 6:21)

Additional Resource: Watch the Message from Sunday, December 1.