If someone watched your home for a week, would they see a Christ-centered home—one where faith is woven into daily life, shaping how your family speaks, acts, and loves one another? Creating a Christ-centered home isn’t about perfection; it’s about making intentional choices that reflect Jesus in the everyday moments.
That question hit me hard. Not because I didn’t know what I wanted the answer to be but because I wasn’t sure if our daily lives actually reflected it. I want our home to be centered on Christ, but between work, school, practice, and just trying to keep up with the laundry, sometimes it feels like faith gets squeezed into the extra spaces—if there even are any.
But here’s the thing: a Christ-centered home isn’t about doing everything perfectly. It’s about intentionally making room for Jesus in the everyday moments. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming or complicated. It starts with small, consistent choices that add up over time.
1. What’s Shaping Your Home?
Joshua 24:15 is one of those verses we’ve all heard before: “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” But before Joshua made that declaration, he told the people to get rid of the other “gods” they had been following (Joshua 24:14).
That made me pause. What are the things in my home that, without meaning to, sometimes take priority over God?
Maybe the never-ending busyness leaves little room for prayer and connection. Maybe screens and distractions quietly take up more space in our minds than His Word does. Maybe it’s the pressure to succeed, be productive, or have everything together—so much so that we forget to slow down and seek Him first.
Taking an honest look at what’s shaping our home is a big step in making sure God is truly at the center—not just an afterthought.
2. Faith Isn’t Just for Sundays
Deuteronomy 6:6-7 lays it out so clearly: “These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house, when you walk along the road, when you lie down, and when you get up.”
Faith was never meant to be something we compartmentalize. It’s supposed to be woven into our conversations, routines, and how we live.
But let’s be real—it’s easy to assume that teaching faith means sitting everyone down for a structured devotion (which is great but not always realistic). Instead, what if we looked for natural moments to bring Jesus into our daily lives?
- Praying with your kids instead of just for them.
- Talking about how you see God at work in little moments throughout the day.
- Asking, “What do you think Jesus would do in this situation?” instead of just giving answers.
- Play worship music while making dinner.
- Make gratitude a normal conversation in your home.
It’s not about forcing faith into every conversation—it’s about making it a natural part of life.
3. Start Small—But Start Somewhere
Deuteronomy 6:9 says, “Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your city gates.” In other words—make your faith visible. Create reminders. Keep God’s truth front and center.
Maybe for you, that looks like putting a verse on your bathroom mirror or praying together before bed. Maybe it’s choosing one night a week for a short family devotion or setting a reminder to pray for your family every morning.
Whatever it is—start small, but start somewhere.
Your Turn: A Challenge for the Week
So here’s a challenge for you (and for me, too)—Fill in the blank:
One way I’m working to make my home more Christ-centered is _____________________.
Take a moment to write down your answer. Now, how do you make this a reality? What’s one habit, shift, or intentional choice you can make this week to keep faith at the center of your home?
Because, at the end of the day, it’s not about being perfect. It’s about choosing, day by day, to invite Jesus into our homes, our routines, and our hearts.
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