
At the heart of our faith lies a fundamental question: Who Are We? Understanding our identity is essential as we explore why we are here and our true purpose. What does it mean to serve God with our all? How do we live out our calling in a way that reflects our love for Him and for each other?

Join us as we dive into these essential questions and uncover the transformative power of worshiping God in every aspect of our lives.

The Core Question: Who Are We?

As we reflect on our identity, we must ask ourselves: Who are we really? Our journey begins with a foundational truth that will guide us our entire lives. 

The Greatest Commandment

In Mark 12:30, Jesus beautifully summarizes our calling: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” At our core, we are a people who love God and seek to worship God with every part of our being (heart, soul, mind, and body). 

Building on a Solid Foundation

In 2 Peter 1:12-13, we’re reminded to stay rooted in truth. Neglecting the basics risks building on shaky ground, leading to potential collapse. Our greatest purpose is to worship God—not only through our careers, finances, or social standing but in the very essence of who He has called and made us to be.

Worship: A Holistic Approach

Worshiping God encompasses more than just singing; it’s reflected in how we treat one another and engage with our community. Romans 12:1 urges us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice—this is the essence of true worship to give up our wants and needs and to look to serve the Father with every part of us. 

Worship is Our Response to God’s Love

1 John 4:19 reminds us, “We love Him because He first loved us.” Our worship is a heartfelt response to His love, similar to how a child’s gratitude brings joy to a parent.

Worship is About God, Not Us!

We understand that our relationships aren’t solely about our enjoyment. Likewise, worship isn’t just for us; it’s about glorifying God. 

When you are engaging in worship, remember it isn’t about whether you like the music, the atmosphere, or even the person sitting next to you—it is a time to bow your heart before the Father and honor and praise HIM! It isn’t about our preferences at all! 

How Can We Express Our Love to God?

  1. Give Him Your Attention:
    Spend intentional time with God. He doesn’t force Himself into our lives but invites us to draw near. James 4:8 assures us, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” This is a vital aspect of how we worship God.
  2. Give Him Your Affection:
    Allow the story of Christ to move you. Romans 5:8 reveals that God’s love is not merely an emotion; it’s an action. He loves us deeply, and we should respond affectionately in our worship of God.
  3. Give Him Your Ability:
    Our actions speak louder than words. Consider how you can serve God in practical ways. Remember, in serving others, you are serving Him (Matthew 25:40). Everything you do should be from the heart, and you should honor God in your worship.

Live It Out

True worship is a lifestyle. While singing is a beautiful expression, it encompasses much more—how we live each day, offering our lives back to Him. Colossians 3:15-17 encourages us to let the peace of Christ rule our hearts and to do everything in His name, giving thanks to God.

Join Us on This Journey!

As we strive to be a community that loves and worships God, we invite you to join us in this mission. Stay engaged with us on Sundays, participate in small groups, and serve within our community. Together, we can demonstrate God’s love in action and make a lasting impact on our lives and those around us.

Together, let’s be a people who love and worship God daily!


This blog post was inspired by the message series “Who Are We?” taught by Pastor Jarod Brooks. Thank you for joining us as we explore our purpose and identity in Christ!