
At the end of World War II, a U.S. submarine returned to dock at Newport News, Virginia. As it approached the port, disaster struck, and the submarine began to sink. The Coast Guard rushed to the scene, deploying divers to save the crew. As they swam down to the submarine, they heard a sailor tapping Morse code on the hull. His haunting question was simple yet profound: “Is there hope?”

This question resonates deeply in our lives. It is asked daily by countless individuals, manifesting in various situations:

  • When someone anxiously awaits test results in a doctor’s office.
  • When a couple struggles to find solutions after months of counseling.
  • When an accountant prepares a family for the reality of bankruptcy.
  • When parents watch the news, they are discerning today’s culture and are concerned about the future that their children will inherit. 

While we can endure significant hardships—going 40 days without food, around three days without water, or even eight minutes without air—there is one thing we cannot live without hope.

Hope Has a Name

We are a People of Hope at CPC, and our mission is to share this hope with everyone we can!

Hope has a name: Jesus. In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus invites us, saying, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” This invitation is our hope. Unlike wishful thinking, hope in Jesus is a rock-solid certainty.

Jesus stands out as our Hope. His message was clear: Hope has come and has a name.

The Kingdom of God Is Here

In our American Christian context, we often focus on getting to Heaven, seeking God’s presence in the afterlife. However, the concept of the Kingdom of God was different for the Jewish people during Jesus’ time. They didn’t see it as a future reality but believed it was here and now.

Jesus didn’t preach, “Repent so you can be ready for Heaven.” Instead, He proclaimed that the Kingdom of God is near. God desires to bring His Kingdom from Heaven to Earth through His people—the Church. When Jesus rules in our hearts, the Kingdom of God reigns in our lives.

Hope Secures Our Future

One of Jesus’ first followers, Peter, wrote about the hope that Jesus offers us in 1 Peter 1:3-4: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of his great mercy, he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.”

This living hope secures our future. Peter describes our future inheritance as imperishable, undefiled, and unfading—safe and secure in Heaven. If we trust Christ, our inheritance cannot be stolen. One day, Jesus will return to set right all wrongs, wiping away every tear we have shed (Revelation 21:4). Until that day, we hold onto our hope.

Hope Strengthens Us in the Present

Peter continues in 1 Peter 1:5-8, reminding us that our faith in Jesus guards us in the present. God is watching over us, providing guidance and protection. Even when life brings grief and trials, we can find strength in the hope that God can bring good out of every situation. Romans 5:3-5 tells us that our afflictions produce endurance, which, in turn, develops our character and fills us with hope.

Hope Was Settled in the Past

The foundation of our hope is rooted in the past—what Jesus accomplished through His life, death, and resurrection. Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 1:15-16 about the reason Jesus came into the world: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” Our hope is not based on what we do but on what He has already done.

In 1 Corinthians 15:20, Paul emphasizes that Christ has been raised from the dead, securing our living hope.


Our hope in Jesus assures us that our past is forgiven, we have a purpose for living, and we are promised a future home in Heaven.

Have you surrendered your life to Christ, confessing your sins and accepting His forgiveness? Christianity is more than just an initial surrender; it’s about continually giving your life to serve Him and fulfill His purpose.

Looking for ways to serve and share hope with others? Explore our volunteer opportunities and find your place in our mission to Connect, Grow and Go.

Do you have a burden on your heart? We believe in the power of prayer. Share your prayer request today, and let our community support you in prayer.

As we reflect on our hope in Christ, let us remember that He is our anchor, guiding us through life’s uncertainties. Hope is not just a feeling but the certainty of Jesus Christ, our living hope!


This blog post was inspired by the message series “Who Are We?” taught by Pastor Chris Vaught. Thank you for joining us as we explore our purpose and identity in Christ!